Ed3 DAO Micro-Grants

We are excited to launch our micro-grants program, where our NFT holders can apply to fund events, projects, and innovations in the web3 & AI space. Check out our current grants below!

We are currently funding community led, in person events to support knowledge sharing about web3 and AI. If you want to host an event for educators in your community, check out the grant below!
In the future, we hope to fund projects that incorporate emerging technologies into learning. Educators will be able to apply for micro-grants to kick off a classroom project, build curriculum, or even
develop an app!
In the future, we hope our community members will create think tanks and research groups to bring research-based innovations to life. Our future grants will help prototype these innovations.

Ed3 Open Source Education Events Micro-grants

This micro-grant program funds web3 & AI education events across the world hosted by Ed3 DAO members.
Only Ed3 NFT holders are able to apply and/or vote.
Total fund amount
$50,000 USDC
Max funding per event
$1,000 USDC
Fund timeline
August 2024 -
December 2024
Number of rounds
Round 5: August 15, 2024
Round 6: September 15, 2024
Round 7: October 15, 2024
Round 8: November 15, 2024
Round 9: December 15, 2024
Ed3 NFT holders, head over to our community platform and log into the holders channel to vote on new proposals.
Grant Guidelines
Apply Here!